Saturday, June 14, 2008

Time for another banjo photograph...

Frankly when I set up this blog and mentioned banjos, I didn't really think there would be much content of interest to those, likely , predominantly motorcycle interested people looking at my blog, but what the heck, I have to endure the interminable banjo jokes, so I'm getting my own back, but this will be the only banjo item for a while..... and the banjo cartoon, yes Larry Larson of "Farside" fame plays banjo....
Picture is taken at the 56th Australian Jazz Convention in December 2001 and held in Adelaide, South Australia and shows John Packham from NSW , standing and playing a Bacon and Day tenor banjo, while seated beside me and playing a Vegavox 1 tenor banjo is Lance McGuire from Queensland and of course me playing my Vegavox Ultra plectrum banjo. Judging by the serious concentration we were reading a music score we were not that familiar with.

Left click on photo to enlarge.

1 comment:

Dominic Rivron said...

One of my favourite cartoons. I remember the caption reading "Your room, Maestro!" but perhaps my memory plays tricks. It's not his only good banjo cartoon, either.